The Israel Hamas armed conflict.
Let’s orient ourselves with the brutal and covert financial angle behind Israel Hamas armed conflict. Right from Dr Vivek Bindra to Acharya Prashant ; right from beloved Ojha sir to Divy Keerti sir, the internet is flooded with many informative videos explaining the tri-faced Christian , Muslim and Jewish religious sentiments involved with Jerusalem, that prima facie seem underpinning the war. Therefore loading you further with historical or religious schools of thoughts is not our intention. Rather we strive to manifest the thought- provoking angle where there is no difference between the cobra and mongoose as the vested interests of international esoteric groups behind are brutally financial.
Yes , it’s the funded warfare where the armament industry and the pharmaceutical industry fund wars for the sake of liquidity. Behind any international conflict be it the World Wars or be it the Russia- Ukraine tussle , the subjective reasons are always debatable yet there is always a strong financial angle at heart that remains sacrosanct no matter what.
This is the financial angle sometimes also called the ‘bombs and bandages’ by the expert arcane and this directly relates to the co-relation between the billion dollar war machinery and the equally powerful medicine manufacturing companies. Both medication and weapons upgrade at a bullet swift pace with ultra modern technology and if the previous products are not sold there comes a massive global inflation in which all Forex , sensex, Doe-Jones , NASDAQ start shaking like skyscrapers shake with magnitude 7 Richter scale Earthquake.
So gone of the days when the capitalist vs communist lobbies or the religious vs atheist ideologies would lure the attention of the critical thinking. No one today in this technological era fights on the kiddish sentimental hurts. Yes such hurts are caused deliberately where the pawns scatter blood on the entire chess board for the main player
So who is the pawn who is the player is the billion dollar question.The present unfair games always have money behind them that can remain in circulation , like blood flows in veins , only when there a gigantic demand is generated as far as defense and pharmaceutical industries are concerned.
This is not a conspiracy theory. If we exercise common sense that from where Hamas got money to all of a sudden launch not one or two but 3000 rockets on a supera dvanced power like Israel ? Why there is a paradigm shift in the international relations as observed witnessing the international diplomacy of the world nations standing with Israel or Palestine. Pondering over the net worth of the portions allocated for defense and medication in the Union Budgets and the economical consequences if these industries don’t upgrade some answers crop up that are really very latent yet apparent.
So apart from upgradation ourselves with easily available data we must also read between the lines considering the fact that international media is also in the hands of a few nations. The IT industry, the social media is also controlled from the silicon valley. An opinion framed with contents that go viral on these platforms is bound to be lopsided if a comprehensive understanding is sidelined and the latent covert angles are not rapted holistically.